Monday, September 13, 2010

Team Fortress 2 Draft LAN

Yay! Two posts in one day!

This design is one I just got the ok for :D Its for a Draft LAN the Team Fortress 2 Community of South Africa are hosting along with Organised Chaos LAN in December. These guys have done some pretty amazing things with this games competitive side. Bringing it back from near death to a thriving community which just keeps growing.

I got involved in the site about 8 months back helping out with design and posting articles and so on. This poster is my newest work for them and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out.

If you've never checked out the game then I suggest you do!

Thanks to the guys at for keeping me involved even when I can't play :D


Sunday, September 12, 2010


So its been a little while since my last post and I have nothing to blame it on other than myself, and that i dont have a camera and that I am busy with about 3 designs and the dog ate my homework. Alot has been happening lately which I would have loved to cover but alas a story is never as awesome if there is no pretty picture for lazy people to look at.

As I mentioned I am busy with a couple of designs which I hope to finish by the end of this week. I threw a little one together on friday which didn,t take very long but I felt I needed to do it otherwise I would probably just leave it and never ever do it. I have also been thinking of doing a couple of designs like this and selling them as prints but who knows.

With that I present to you...

Lonely World

Enjoi :)